Slice – Avanthi Cole ‘18
Part I Slice. The sound and feel exhilarated her. She stuck her fingers inside the wound she had just created and felt the soft warmth, the different…
Part I Slice. The sound and feel exhilarated her. She stuck her fingers inside the wound she had just created and felt the soft warmth, the different…
Cell door opens quickly, silently, while a warning alarm blares, signifying the unlocking. Officer walks in; eighteen guards remain outside, watching, tranquilizers at the ready. Cell door silently…
But a few short years before today It was a dream to automate And technicians, convinced skill was art Unsaw the future that quickly loomed
Darkness enshrouds The lazy beach town, and New shades of mystery Creep behind shadows. Suddenly, In hearts of the fearful, The ocean becomes Demonic.
Nothing left to load.