Dear Readers… Issue 8 Editor’s Note – Marina Cooper

Dear Readers,

Knowledge can be found in a variety of places from
sources well known or unexpected. “Lore,” the theme of
this issue, can be defined as a body of knowledge which
comes out of tradition. It can also refer to the details
embedded in the complex worlds found in games, novels,
and film which might include their own folklore or

Whether subtle or extensive, works of speculative
fiction often create their own lore as they explore “what if”
questions in new worlds. Through their explorations of
human nature, sources of terror, how and why the world
works, and a myriad of other subjects, the genres of
speculative fiction challenge and reinterpret the
knowledges we take to be true.

Every piece in this issue creates or reinterprets the
idea of lore or knowledge in its own way. Find here tales
of doomed love and sinister relationships, of eternal
women and ancient magic. Also included are poems of
sinofuturism, a classic folktale retold, and a tribute to
works in the speculative canon.

This semester’s issue would not be possible without
the wonderful authors and the dedicated members of
figments. It is a product of time and hard work which we
are proud to present. A huge thank you to everyone
involved in the process, and to you, dear reader, for taking
a look.

-Marina Cooper ’21