Category: Reviews

“She Walks in Shadows” Review

Rating out of 5: H.P. Lovecraft may be the most iconic horror writer to ever live and breathe on this earth. His Cthulhu Mythos made “cosmic horror” a…

“The Shannara Chronicles” Review

Rating out of 5:     Sometimes mediocre books make the best films or television series; content can be altered to fit the screen with less fan outrage,…

“Song of the Sea” Review

Rating out of 5:     “Song of the Sea” is a gorgeously animated tale dealing with a rich mythology well-known by some, but a mystery to many;…

“The Sandman: Overture” Review

Rating out of 5:     Fans of Neil Gaiman’s enduring series will be delighted to hold his recently  completed prequel volume, The Sandman: Overture, in their eager…